Wednesday, October 10, 2018

a walk in the 14th

There must have been as issue with the metro – the barriers were taped off so we got in free.  The crowded train pulled in then stood there for some time.  There was an announcement about terminating at the next stop and a lot, but not all people got off.  We dithered but stayed on.  The train eventually left and we went all the way to our changepoint passing crowded trains at every station.  Changing at Montparnasse means the hike for the day.  It includes a moving footway.  We then had two stops to Pernety.

rue des Thermopyles has new water mains

Our walk was through an area where many artists had had studios.  We could pick the studios out – steep roofs with skylights.

The area has 32 community gardens.  This one had a rabbit hutch, bbq area [not sure what will happen to the rabbit], potting shed and vegetables.

Square Albert Giacometti

Sq du Ch Viollet - background left is atelier Albert Giacometti

We walked under a building in Villa d’Alesia to see a large park.

Jardin Lionel-Assouad

We walked back to the Auberge Moulin Vert for lunch.  At one stage the waiter said “tu va bien”.  Yes it was all good but why did he use “tu” and not “vous”?

We went out to find the bottle bank, go to Picard and the supermarket.  We forgot how warm late afternoon Paris is.

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